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Memento Firmware V1.1 - PAL/USA for Memor32

Inside the .zip there is the Firmware and the window based patcher.

Mirror 1: HERE | Mirror 2: ( HERE



Memento Firmware V1.2e - PAL/USA "BETA" for Memor32

ATTENTION! This is a BETA only, please use the V1.1 if you experience issues.

Inside the .zip there is the Firmware and the window based patcher.

Mirror 1: HERE | Mirror 2: ( HERE


Memento Firmware V1.1 AUSTRALIA ONLY for Memor32

Inside the .zip there is the Firmware and the window based patcher.

Mirror 1: HERE | Mirror 2: ( HERE


If you don't have the correct driver installed, download them from here:?


If you need the MEMOR32 SaveGameManager you can Download it from here:
